Saturday, May 12, 2012

Yes, I am a mother.

Tomorrow is the big day, Mother's Day. It has never seemed so significant a day to me until now. Even last year, which I counted as my first Mother's Day because I was pregnant, wasn't a huge to-do. But this year, it's a mountain of a day to face, a day I've literally dreaded seeing for weeks.

What do you say to a heartbroken mother who has lost a child, or in my case, her only child? To a mother who can't be with her baby on Mother's Day, who feels a punch in the gut every time she sees or hears yet another Mother's Day advertisement? To a mother who fights back tears while wondering what Mother's Day card her child would have picked with his daddy for her while she trys to choose one for her own mother (and stepmother and mother-in-law)?

I'll give it to you straight, pay close attention... You say, Happy Mother's Day!

The most painful thing a person could do to me is ignore the fact that my son Maddox was conceived, grew in my womb, was born, was here, was loved and now, is gone. I have spoken with other mothers who have experienced loss, whether in recent months or decades ago, and not a single one has avoided the opportunity to talk about her baby, her little girl, her little boy. We mothers who have lost children are still mothers, and even those who have other living children, we are mothers to a baby who is in heaven. We are proud of our children, have been blessed by them, would do anything for them still, we miss them - especially on this day, we miss them - and, surprise, we want to talk about them!

This week has been a hard one, no doubt about it. In Bible study, I cried. At GriefShare, I cried. When invited to a Mother's Day lunch, I cried some more. Procrastinating the Mother's Day card section? Yep, cried again. Received Mother's Day cards of my own, and then cried about it? You betcha! Why? All because I miss my boy and I can't have him with me on my special day. Do I feel badly for being so sad? I can't say that I do. There is grief because there is love, and this pain hurts as it does because I love my son. Today, I take comfort in knowing that this pain is a sacrifice I am making as a mother because of the son I love so dearly.
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." -Matthew 5:4
I have been blessed in my journey of grief. From the moment we learned that Maddox's heart had stopped beating to this very minute, I have felt love and support from every direction. I have received validation from family, friends, complete strangers and from God that I am and will always be Maddox's mother. Death cannot steal my motherhood, and I will not allow it to!

It's seems such a small thing, but on Friday this week we got a FedEx delivery at the office, and the delivery man said so cheerfully, "Happy Mother's Day to you, if you're a mother!" My heart was filled with appreciation as I responded, "Yes, I am! Thank you!" Truthfully, it was that moment that I decided to attend the Mother's Day lunch Andrew and I were invited to attend. I had contemplated staying home to wallow in self-pity and bitterness and allow myself to be angry at all the mothers who get to celebrate Mother's Day with their children even though they treat them poorly and take them for granted. (Hey, grief is ugly!) But the second the FedEx man, who knows nothing about my loss, acknowledged my motherhood, I decided that I am going to persevere through tomorrow with as joyful a spirit as I can muster and praise God for the blessing of my son Maddox.

Thank you to all of my incredible family and friends who have taken a moment to wish me a Happy Mother's Day through cards and various sentiments. You are all blessings in my life, I love you dearly, and I thank you for walking through this painful but blessed journey with me. Above all, I thank my God for being my sustainer through each moment, sometimes second-to-second.

I am a mother. Tomorrow is my day. My son is not here with me, but nothing will ever take him from my heart. Praise God that I will see Maddox when we meet again soon in eternity!


  1. Hi Amanda. I know we're really not friends, but my heart breaks for you and your husband every time I see Meghan or Meridith write something about you. I think of you every so often and wonder how you are. There is a song I heard again recently and I thought of you. It is inspired by the story of Moses and stuff I've seen said its more aimed more towards adoption but I think it can be applicable to you and Maddox as well. When I first heard it I thought it was about the loss of a child and the living she sings about was eternal life with God. Anyway, here is a to the youtube video.
    And, Happy Mother's Day.

    1. Rebekah, thank you so much for sharing the song! I love these lyrics: "A life for you's worth losing you forever. Some day we'll stand in God's fair land, forever home." I miss Maddox so much and each day shows me another reason I wish he was still with us, but it is beyond comforting to know that he is with God in heaven I've often thought about whether I would bring him back to life on earth if God gave me the chance, but he is so much better off in heaven than he ever would be here, and I wouldn't take him from the best place for him just so I didn't have to miss him. I'll be with him in heaven again someday soon, and I look forward to seeing him when God calls me home.

      Thank you for thinking of us and for your comment. It means a lot to me. <3

  2. Aww Amanda, this blog made me cry but my gosh it makes me love and admire you soooo much more!! You are hands down the strongest, most beautiful woman I know!! Happy mother's day and thank you again for being a Godly example of how every woman should be!

    1. Oh, Shannon. You're so nice. Thank you. *hugs*
